Glyndwr by Catrin Collier

I’m really looking forward to visiting Llantrisant Guildhall this autumn and meeting everyone. I’ll be talking about my latest project, reading extracts from the novel and sharing my views on the film industry.

Thursday, 10th Oct at 7:00pm

“Glyndwr by Catrin Collier”
Llantrisant Guildhall
South Wales


Author: admin

Welsh writer

6 thoughts on “Glyndwr by Catrin Collier”

  1. Спасибо за информацию буду знать. А мне давно хотелось попробовать найти металлоискателем интересные находки. Не хотелось покупать очень дорогой прибор, так как я новичек в этом, заказал вот такой простенький и недорогой . В моей коллекции уже несколько монеток и крестик 🙂

  2. Thank you for posting, Roger, I wish you well with your metal detecting and historical research, warmest wishes, Catrin Collier

    1. Thank you for taking the time and trouble to post. Your comment has given me the strength to wade through all the research on my desk to continue the great man’s story. It is very much appreciated.

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